Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rolled oats biscuits

200g butter
1C brown sugar
1C white sugar
1 egg
1/4C milk
1/2t baking soda
1t vanilla ess
1C flour
3C rolled oats
1/2C sultanas - optional
1/2C chopped walnuts - optional
1/2C sunflower seeds - optional

Melt butter, remove from heat then add sugars and egg, then milk soda and vanilla. Srinkle over flour, rolled oats and any additionals. Mix with fork until well combined.

Bake for 10-12 mins, at 180.
I didn't add any optionals, and they are a  bit bland, but still the lad eats them - then again, he eats just about anything!

''Can't be scared of peanuts'' bikkies - YUM!

50g butter
1/4C golden syrup
3/4C peanut butter (smooth or crunchy)
1 egg
1t vanilla essence
1/2C white sugar
1/2C brown sugar
1/2C each sultanas, roasted salted peanuts (chopped roughly), and chocolate chips
1 3/4C flour
1t baking soda

In large pot, just melt butter and golden syrup. Remove from heat and stir in peanut butter until mixture is smooth.
Add egg, vanilla and sugars, beat with fork then add peanuts, sultanas, and choc chips.

Use sieve and add flour and baking soda. Mix until combined.

Can make 24 large biscuits, or up to 60 smaller ones. Roll into a ball, then press flat onto baking paper.

Bake at 180 for 7-10 mins, one tray at a time.

These are scrummy, and peanutty!

Scone Twists - delicimo!

Make a normal scone mixture, roll it out and spread half with this recipe, fold unspread half over spread half, then slice about 1cm strips, twist twice and put onto baking paper, and bake 10-15 mins until lightly browned. Can serve as is, or with butter (but that could be a tad over the top!)

Scone mix -
2C flour
2.5tsp baking pdr
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
25g butter
1/2C milk
1/4-1/2C water.

Sift dry ingredients together, then melt butter and add to dry ingredient with milk and smaller amount of water. Don't over mix. Add extra water to make a soft dough - I didn't need much!

Filling mix-
1/4C brown sugar
1tsp cinnamon
1T cold butter
1/4C coconut

Use food processor to combine ingredients, or melt butter, and add to other ingredients. Follow top instructios, then cook at 200 degrees.

These are fairly edible!