Saturday, November 12, 2011

'Cake-in-a-cup', for when it's just you that's hungry!

4T flour
4T sugar
2T cocoa
1 egg
3T milk
3T oil
3T choc chips
1/2t van ess

Take one decent sized coffee cup.
(no need to oil/spray beforehand)
Mix dry ingredients in the cup.

Add egg, mix.
Add milk, oil, van ess and mix thoroughly.
Lastly, gently mix choc chips in - not too much or they sink to the bottom.

Cook in microwave for three minutes. Eat!
This is fantastic when it is just you that needs something scrummy, or ideal for a treat the kids can make, but can be more annoying if you are trying to feed a few!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Peach Custard Pud!

This is very easy, and versatile!
Can be cooked just before eating, or made up to a day before and reheated or served cold..

2 Cups flour
100g butter
1 can fruit (I used peaches)
1/2 C sugar
1t cinnamon
3 eggs
1C syrup from fruit (Make up to one cup with water if necessary)
1 1/4 C evaporated milk

Oven at 180.
Sift flour into butter and rub until crumbly (Or be like me and use the food processor!)
Press into square tin with loose bottom, or line with baking paper or foil.
Drain fruit well, and spread evenly over the flour/butter mix.
Mix sugar and cinnamon together and sprinkle over fruit.
Bake for 20 mins.

Beat eggs, syrup and milk together until blended but not foamy. Pour over hot fruit and bake for 30 mins longer or until custard has set in middle. Serve with cream!!!

Could use apricots or pineapple instead of peaches.