Friday, October 1, 2010

Puffy cheesy rolls... lunch!

Made some lunch today... 

1/2tsp bkg pdr, 1/2tsp salt, 1/2 tsp worchestershire sauce, 2T milk, 2 egg yolks, 200g cheese mixed until it looked like creamed butter, then added stiffly beaten egg white, and mixed well again. Spread on bread and grilled for about 10 mins, till they looked as above. 
Had master apprentice helping until he was bored of whisking!
All was consumed - i was interested to see this as the apprentices do not like egg at all...!
Next time I might add curry powder - I know, I know - variations from original recipe is not encouraged, but I am so sure 1/2 tsp curry pdr would just add a tad more flavour... or maybe herb or chicken stock pdr....


  1. hmmmmm I think my Dad makes something like this and does add something extra - you could check with him :)

  2. Add a tsp of Dijon mustard to it Megan.

  3. And a little bit of tomato or plum sauce adds a nice flavour.

  4. Why can't I edit my mistakes?? use Wholegrain mustard not Dijon.
